About ForecastFree

Free and Lightweight Sales Forecasting for Everyone

ForecastFree is a free sales forecasting tool that combines sophisticated machine learning algorithms with an intuitive user interface. Our platform helps small businesses make data-driven decisions about their future without any cost.

How It Works

Our forecasting engine uses Facebook's Prophet algorithm, which is particularly effective at:

  • Handling missing data and outliers
  • Adapting to seasonal patterns
  • Capturing multiple seasonalities
  • Accommodating holiday effects
Understanding the Metrics
Forecast Confidence Levels

Our forecast confidence is categorized into four levels based on the amount and quality of historical data:

  • Very High (80%+ confidence): Excellent data quality with substantial historical records
  • High (60-79% confidence): Good data quality with sufficient historical patterns
  • Medium (40-59% confidence): Moderate data quality or limited historical data
  • Low (Below 40% confidence): Limited data or highly volatile patterns
Growth Rate Calculation

The Overall Growth Rate shows the percentage change in sales from the first to the last data point in your dataset. For example:

  • First day sales: 100 units
  • Last day sales: 150 units
  • Growth Rate: ((150 - 100) / 100) × 100 = 50% growth

This metric helps identify overall trends in your sales data over the entire period.

Forecast Accuracy

Our accuracy metric shows the average percentage difference between predicted and actual values. A lower percentage indicates more accurate predictions. For example, "off by 5%" means that, on average, our forecasts may differ from actual values by about 5% in either direction.

  • Easy data upload (CSV and Excel support)
  • Interactive visualizations
  • Confidence intervals for predictions
  • Downloadable forecast data
  • Automatic data preprocessing